Graduation Information Form

Please fill out all fields below. If a field doesn’t apply, please simply state N/A. Information will be used during the homeschool graduation ceremony.

  • It is easiest to correspond via email. Please include email if you have one. Thank you.
  • Please separate by commas, if there are no siblings insert NA.
  • Example: Reading, playing computer games, horseback riding. Please separate by a comma.
  • Please separate by commas.
  • Please separate with commas.
  • Any awards received, CLEP tests, AP tests, SAT scores, etc. Anything you’d like shared.
  • Name the college they will be attending or the job field they will be entering.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB, Max. files: 13.
      Please plan to upload 5-12 photos of your graduate by May 30th. Please note that not all photos may be used. This will be at the discretion of the graduation ceremony coordinators. All photos should be high quality. A slide show will be shown prior to the start of the ceremony as well as at the end. The photos should include at least one head shot of the graduate (think senior photo) as well as a family photo. Other shots to include would be baby or young child photos of the graduate, the graduate engaged in hobbies or activities, or anything that helps to show who the graduate is as a person.
    • To receive a link to the payment form type 2025 in the box below, once you submit you should receive a page with the link to the payment form.